Rally against campaign finance corruption

Tuesday, Oct. 26 at 12:15 on the Captiol east steps.

Senator PAUL WELLSTONE and consumer advocate JOAN CLAYBROOK will speak at the rally in addition to ELLEN MILLER, executive director of public campaign; CHUCK COLLINS, co-director of United for A Fair Economy; DAMU SMITH, environmental justice advocate and senior policy advisor for Greenpeace; REV. CARRIE BOLTON, co-founder of Democracy South; DEREK CRESSMAN, director of Democracy Campaign for U.S. PIRG; SAM SMITH, editor of the Progressive Review and author of "The Great American Political Repair Manual";

AND RONNIE DUGGER, co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy. There are indications there may be significant press coverage. Bring your friends and a sign (no stick for the sign is needed on the steps) and come help show people-strength and people-care in the face of massive corporate bribery and corruption of the U.S. Congress. See you this Tuesday. DC Alliance for Democracy Steering Commitee


"Why do we have 41 million Americans without health-care coverage? Because they are not big campaign contributors..." --Paul Simon, Former U.s. Senator, Illinois

92% of Americans believe special interest contributions buy votes of members of Congress. -- Gallup Poll 1995 (NYTimes headline:)

Capitol Hill Bordello “Members of Congress are more like ladies of ill repute.... The whole joint is for sale.... Lawmakers' love is for sale." --Maureen Dowd, The New York Times, Oct. 17, 1999

"We may well find ourselves in a position where we have a moneyed tyranny and our Republic is kaput." --William Scranton, Former Governor of Pennsylvania

"Bribery is the way the system works....The whole system is rotten." --Cecil Heftel, Former U.S. Congressman, writing in 1998

"This system stinks. This system is money." George Mitchell, 1994, then the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate

"Someone who makes an extraordinarily large contribution is going to get some kind of extraordinary return for it." -- Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter, The New York Times, Oct. 8 1999

"It is Money! Money! Money! Not ideas, not principles, but Money that reigns supreme in American politics." --Senator Robert C. Byrd, West Virginia, Dean of the U.S. Senate

See you at the steps next Tuesday. The DC Alliance for Democracy PS -- Whether you can attend or not, send this message to friends and colleagues who can. FOR MORE INFO: E-mail or call Nick Penniman, national coordinator, , (781) 894-1179; or Ronnie Dugger.