Marxism Ecology and Globalization

Here are several articles by David Schwartzman, Ph.D.
We may add articles and links in future.

Marxism and Ecology

Solar Communism

A World Party in our future?

A World Party, Vehicle of Global Green Left

Comment on Wagar Whose paper explored the role that a transnational political party might play in global politics.

Another look at the end of the world from Capitalism Nature Socialism, September, 2003, by Doug Boucher, David Schwartzman, Jane Zara and Peter Caplan.

Our Future Solar Utopia Revisited: Another World is Possible

The Limits to Entropy: the Continuing Misuse of Thermodynamics in Environmental and Marxist theory

"Ecosocialism or Ecocatastrophe" An earlier version of this paper.

Ecosocialism or Ecocatastrophe? Presentation by David Schwartzman at SALSA-IPS Oct. 12, 2009 Also, PDF of slides for this presentation; SALSA.pdf Reports and much more on a solar transition and the climate challenge.

Responses to Michael Klare

David's writings in general on this site.